Inhibition of bacterial adhesion

Barrier effect test against microbial strains

Regulatory reference: Proprietary method
Claim: Inhibition of bacterial adhesion
Application field: Raw ingredients or finished products.
Description of the test: Measurement of inhibitory efficacy of an active ingredient or finished product against the adhesion of Staphylococcus aureus to epithelial cells.
Posted in Protection and barrier effect, Inhibition of bacterial adhesion, Claim for medical devices

Evaluation of bacterial adhesion on mammal cells

Regulatory reference: Proprietary method
Claim: Inhibition of bacterial adhesion
Application field: Medical devices design to inhibit bacterial adhesion.
Description of the test: Evaluation of bacterial adhesion on mammal cells, performed on the CACO-2 cell line.
Posted in Protection and barrier effect, Detergents, Claim for cosmetics, Claim for medical devices, Inhibition of bacterial adhesion